Stevie Wonder is a magical human being. Last night, I went to his concert and he transported me to a musical realm called, "The Natural Most High". I had a natural high all night long. I was so energized by his musical genius, that I didn't get to sleep until 4:00 am in the morning, yearning for more. My entire body was buzzing with excitement long after the concert was over.
The man, (God?) , performed musical miracles for 3 hours and had people begging for more. I need you Stevie!, I need you Stevie!, I need you Stevie! I was happier than the morning sun!
He looked good, he sounded good, and he entertained good. I still can't believe the range of his voice! I was in the building listening and I still can't believe it!
He brought the house down several times last night with "Higher Ground", "Boogie On Reggae Woman", "For Once In My Life"
('sang' Stevie style, of course, with the phuckin' breaks off!), "Superstition", "Sucker For Your Love" , What the Fuss", "Signed, Sealed, Delivered", "As", and "My Cherie Amour". I think I lost about 5 pounds dancing! I was happier than the stars above!
I zoned out several times and I loved when Stevie said, "Now, Class!", when we wouldn't stop screaming with pleasure. I murmured, "oooh, aahhh, oooh, aahhh, aahhh, and screamed, I Love You Stevie!", without realizing it. My Bad. Everytime he whipped out that harmonica, I think I had an orgasm.
I cried when he performed 2 songs from his upcoming Album, "The Gospel Inspired by Lula". I cried. What would a concert be without raw emotion?
The spotlight was left on his piano as he left the stage, and people started chanting, "Stevie, Stevie, Stevie". If he sang for 24 hours, people would still beg for more. Last night, he performed about 30-35 songs, and people still wanted more. I would have liked to hear more songs from the, "A Time to Love" Album, or "A Seed a Star!" from the "Journey Through the Secret life of Plants" Album, but, oh well.
Stevie Wonder Concert Oct. 22nd 2009 at MGM Grand at Foxwoods: The show was sold out, the hotel was fully booked, and I was there in the presence of a bonafide, certified, not-to-be denied genius!!! I feel blessed.
Stevie promised to come back to the MGM Grand at Foxwoods every year! I want to be in the Stevie Zone! (Stevie style, of course, with the phuckin' breaks off!)
The Church of Stevie Wonder Store
Let the church say, "AMEN!"
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